Tuesday, May 19, 2009

tough girl....

She fought a brave fight for so much of her short life, but gave in and returned to Heaven about 8:45 this morning..we miss her so much. We find comfort in knowing one sweet day we will be reunited....I will edit in the funeral services after we know more..


Amber Wolf said...

Hi Jenn. This is Amber Wolf. I know you don't know me very well. I am Jesse Wolf's wife. Jesse and J.J were really good friends in school. I just really wanted to say how sorry i am for your loss. My kids and I have sat here and cried so hard over your website. I can't ever imagine how you and your family must feel. I would like to send you guys a card but i dont have your address. Would you mind e-mailing it to me? wolfadw22@hotmail.com. No rush though i know you have more important things to do right now. If you need anything please let me know. She was a beautiful little girl and you guys looked so proud with all the pics you posted on the website. I will pray for your family and please dont feel like you can't ask for any help or anything from us. We will be there no matter what.

Amber Wolf

Anonymous said...

Jen, my heart aches for your family. We are praying for you, Jay and Cayden during this very difficult time.


ANewKindOfPerfect said...

My heart aches for your loss. Your family will be in my prayers.

Buttercup said...

Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

Cathy said...

I just found your site and I am so sorry for your loss with Ella. Of course, she has gained and one day we will gain what she has. She is beautiful.

Tothblog said...

I am so so sorry for your loss, but I rejoice in her healing. We are praying for your family.


laura said...

I'm so sorry to hear about sweet baby Ella. Your family is in our prayers.

Erin Parker said...

I am so sorry to hear about your sweet Ella. She is a beautiful little girl.

Shan said...

Hi, I just found your blog via another that I read. I am so sorry to hear about your sweet girl. My daughter also has Mitochondrial Disease, Leigh's Disease specifically. I will be lifting you up in prayer.

Anonymous said...

We will be praying for your family. My, my...you need God's grace right now. I can only say that all things work together for good. Hard to understand. Please, please cleave to your husband as so many marriages fail after loss. And your son, I would not know what to tell him. Time and grace! I don't know you, saw you on my blog follower's list, I will be in constant prayer and so will my family. -Angie www.permanentmauckers.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

I am a friend of Erins. I have followed your blog for sometime. I am so sorry to hear of your precious baby girl. Try to remember she was God's before she was yours. I dont even have words to say because I personally can't even imagine. I just know I am sure you have so many feelings welling up inside of you. Tell God everything - even if your mad. He already knows your heart so you wont say anything that will surprise them. Cling to Psalms 23 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Ginger