Thursday, July 14, 2011

still here!

We are still here. I have been training for the new job this week.. I do think it will take a while for us to get into a good routine and flow of it all.. I love when I pick LM up from  my moms she dances and jumps and says 'yeah yeah yeah!"  :) she is so cute,  I love it..

Her sw came last week and said adoptions are just behind, and we should finalize by september.. ((it was June at one point)) so we will just wait. All is done and approved, just need to finalize with the court date.. In the mean time we have to recertify our foster care much to get done.. hope all is well with all of my bloggy buddies. I haven't really had time to read any blogs, but maybe just maybe this weekend, I will have some down time!!


Blessed and Broken said...

It takes forever to get to that day...and then one day, it just happens!! ;-) Hugs and love from an adoption day mamma (today!).

Heather said...

Oh yay - September! I'm sure you will be so glad to have all that finalized. :)