Friday, April 3, 2009

dont take it personal...

if we(I)don't answer the phone, text back, email back...its not personal, its not really intentional.. most of the time I have all the intentions of doing the above, but it just doesn't end up that way.. Feel free to stop by if you want, as long as there are no sick kiddos involved, its fine.. we don't think to invite people over because we are pretty much 24/7 with trying to keep up with everything.. the house is always a mess, I cant remember the last time I had on make-up or straightened my hair..I don't have time to take care of all of us, and don't have time to nourish friendships..Ella, Cayden and (not even always)Jay are my priorities...but these are the 3that I MUST nourish..I'm not being mean, rude or personal..its just my life right now.. I don't love the situation we are in, I wish it were better.. but it is what we have right now...if you want to be involved, be involved.. just don't expect us to invite you... we do read all of our emails, texts and listen to our the love and well wishes are being heard and are appreciated so much.. just please don't take it personal if we cant individually thank you... I really wish we were just a family of 4, where our biggest worry was what's for dinner, or what are the plans this weekend.. Instead our biggest worry is, "Is she going to recover again?" "are we being there are supporting Cayden the way we need to?" "how will he handle it if she doesn't recover?" We are dealt but one hand in this life, and I have to deal with what we were given... and I am sorry if it is not pleasing to others.. if you dont like it...dont look..



Your family should be your number one priority right now. And if some people, don't understand, well that is there problem. Your true friends will understand and keep supporting you. I hope Cayden has an awesome party today.

Love you and thinking about you.

lesley said...

You hang in there. I've spent some time reading your blog and learning about your beautiful children. Thankyou for sharing with us other moms out there.