Sunday, June 6, 2010


Lately I have been in a bit of a slump..I read everyone post's and am still following..but I've had a lack of words, or words that seem to make any sort of sense..I feel like I am so plugged into everything online, that whats going on around me has just fallen to the side..I love all of my "old" and new bloggy friends and facebook friends, and all of the other way I network. I have been introduced to such beauty through this loss..I've seen people give and pray and love people they have never met in real life..and for people I do know in real life, have for the most part, been more than we could ask for..but for now, I think it is time to unplug for a while..I do get my messages on my phone for email and facebook, so I will read them as they come in and respond if needed..but I have to step away from the computer..I need to refocus, regain composure and work on the relationships around me for a few week.. I am going to unplug from it all..I am always available if anyone needs to talk or advice, just msg me..but for a bit, that will be the extent of my networking.. still praying and thinking of you all..



Mary said...

You will be very missed. I know how hard it can get reading post after post. Remember we are here for you as well. So please don't hesitate to contact.

Elizabeth said...

We all need to take a step away from the computer every now and then to get back into the real world. You will be in my prayers. *hugs*

Stephanie said...

You do what you need Jen. Just know that you will be missed and prayed for along the way! Sending love and hugs to you!!!!!! and if you need anything you know where I'm at!

Nan & Mike said...

Understand completely...and please enjoy some "you" time as it is important. Let us know if you need anything. Big higs xxx

Anonymous said...

This was exactly what our service was about yesterday. Worship - do we worship other things besides God? Facebook, phones, tv's, etc. Its having other idols besides him. Its great to even start off small like 10 minutes extra a day to give to God then work your way up. Do not do spend more time doing anything that your not giving to God (example a hour on the computer and only 15 mintues reading God's word and praying).

The Blue Sparrow said...

I totally understand that, take as much time as you need! We'll miss you! *HUGS*

Lisette said...

I understand, I think I should do this too. Take your time.

With Out My Punkin said...

I understand! Do what you need to do for you! ((hugs))

Holly said...

Totally get this b/c I've done it myself! Sometimes you really do need to step back from it all.

Tiffany Lockette said...

Take your time Jen and do what you need to do. We'll be here when you get back. Hugs and well wishes to you.